Förster, Sascha

Joanna Olchawa (Ed.), Julia Saviello (Ed.)

Requisiten: Die Inszenierung von Objekten auf der ›Bühne der Kunst‹

The rifle on the wall in Chekhov's plays, the hammer in medieval passion plays, the shield in early modern tournaments: objects accompany and enable actions, especially within a production by actors on a 'stage' and in front of an audience. The contributions in this volume revolve around the materiality and mediality of props, their production aesthetics, their spatial staging and the stages on which this takes place, but also - based on reception aesthetics - their relationship to the viewers. Objects that were used in theatrical contexts are examined as well as representations of their performative use; in addition to real locations, imaginative stages, such as those in paintings and texts, come into view; and beyond that, storage locations such as the trove and the museum are taken into account, in which props are staged in their very own way and appear as protagonists of their own history.