How to Cite

Appenzeller, Immo et al. (Eds.): Heidelberger Physiker berichten - Rückblicke auf Forschung in der Physik und Astronomie: Band 3: Mikrokosmos und Makrokosmos, Heidelberg: heiBOOKS, 2017.


ISBN 978-3-946531-66-1 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-946531-67-8 (Softcover)




Immo Appenzeller (Ed.), Dirk Dubbers (Ed.), Hans-Georg Siebig (Ed.), Albrecht Winnacker (Ed.)

Heidelberger Physiker berichten - Rückblicke auf Forschung in der Physik und Astronomie

Band 3: Mikrokosmos und Makrokosmos

"Reports from Heidelberg’s physicists" is initially planned as a four volume work, in which former lecturers in physics and astronomy at the University of Heidelberg look back at their lives in science and the history of their subjects. The contents of this volume consist of autobiographical lectures presented as part of a lecture series between 2015 and 2016.  The emphasis of this series was on the development of physics in the last third of the twentieth century and the start of the twenty-first century.  This period saw an expansion of the traditional research areas covered by physicists in Heidelberg, as well as an increase in the number of important current research topics including some taken from practical applications. As well as their scientific content, these contributions offer insights into the respective conditions and the way that scientific results are arrived at. The texts reflect the vitality of the spoken lectures and the authenticity of these personal recollections.

About the editors:
Immo Appenzeller, Professor emeritus for Astronomy, University of Heidelberg
Dirk Dubbers, Professor emeritus for Physics, University of Heidelberg
Hans-Georg Siebig, Technical servant ret., University of Heidelberg
Albrecht Winnacker, Professor emeritus, of material science, University of Erlangen; Senior Professor and founding director of the "Centre for Advanced Materials" (CAM) of the University of Heidelberg
