How to Cite

Werkner, Ines-Jacqueline, Krüger, Madlen and Mayer, Lotta (Eds.): Krieg in der Ukraine: Hintergründe - Positionen - Reaktionen, Heidelberg: heiBOOKS, 2022 (FEST kompakt: Analysen – Stellungnahmen – Perspektiven, Volume 4).


ISBN 978-3-948083-65-6 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-948083-66-3 (Softcover)




Ines-Jacqueline Werkner (Ed.), Madlen Krüger (Ed.), Lotta Mayer (Ed.)

Krieg in der Ukraine

Hintergründe - Positionen - Reaktionen

Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine poses the biggest threat to peace in Europe since the end of World War II. Moreover, the armed invasion on February 24, 2022 marks a turning point for the European peace and security system: Putin aims not only to extend his influence in eastern Europe but also to establish a new world order. The authors of this edited volume examine the background of the war in Ukraine and the constellation of conflict parties. Furthermore, they analyze positions based on ethics of peace as well as those of the church, and highlight Western reactions to the war.

Ines-Jacqueline Werkner, Dr. rer. pol. habil., is a political scientist specializing in peace and conflict research. She is head of the research department "Peace" at the Protestant Institute for Interdisciplinary Research (FEST) in Heidelberg, and a Private Lecturer at the Institute for Political Science at Goethe University Frankfurt/Main.

Madlen Krüger, Dr. phil., is a religious studies scholar and works as a researcher at the research department "Peace" at the Protestant Institute for Interdisciplinary Research (FEST) in Heidelberg.

Lotta Mayer, Dr. phil., is a sociologist specializing in conflict research at the research department "Peace" at the Protestant Institute for Interdisciplinary Research (FEST) in Heidelberg.
