
Mieth, Katja Margarethe: Sammlungsbestände menschlicher Überreste in Museen – ein Praxisbericht aus der Museumsbetreuung in Sachsen, in Fuchs, Jakob, Herm, Christoph und Mohrmann, Ivo (Hrsg.): Humananatomische Präparate / Human Anatomical Preparations: Geschichte, Herstellungstechniken und Ethik in der Konservierung / History, Manufacturing Techniques and Ethics in Conservation, Heidelberg: arthistoricum.net-ART-Books, 2023, S. 153–158. https://doi.org/10.11588/arthistoricum.1179.c16181

Identifier (Buch)

ISBN 978-3-98501-187-2 (PDF)




Katja Margarethe Mieth

Sammlungsbestände menschlicher Überreste in Museen – ein Praxisbericht aus der Museumsbetreuung in Sachsen

The extensive object group of human remains is well represented in Saxon museums. More rarely, anatomical specimens are part of the collections. Human remains can also be found in archaeological finds, objects of criminal justice, sepucral culture, as well as religious and ritual practices etc. Their long-term preservation presents challenges to museums regardless of the size of their collections. Especially for smaller collections, without a restoration specialist, it is therefore necessary to develop a tailor-made concept for dealing with these collections and to establish and maintain contact with appropriate networks. Recommendations for the preservation of collections and regular restorative assessments in the sense of “maintenance” are good ways to ensure this. In addition to questions of collection preservation, it is also important to sensitise the institutions to ethical questions of analogue and online presentation to the public and to find appropriate solutions.