Ducourau, Caroline: Preserving and Exhibiting Human Remains from the Anatomical Collection of the University of Montpellier Faculty of Medicine, in Fuchs, Jakob, Herm, Christoph und Mohrmann, Ivo (Hrsg.): Humananatomische Präparate / Human Anatomical Preparations: Geschichte, Herstellungstechniken und Ethik in der Konservierung / History, Manufacturing Techniques and Ethics in Conservation, Heidelberg: arthistoricum.net, 2023, S. 108–117. https://doi.org/10.11588/arthistoricum.1179.c16175
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Preserving and Exhibiting Human Remains from the Anatomical Collection of the University of Montpellier Faculty of Medicine
The University of Montpellier houses substantial collections related to its research and teaching functions in numerous scientific fields: paleontology, mineralogy, zoology, physics, astronomy, botany, pharmacy, ethnology, and anatomy. This article will present the issues surrounding anatomical collections in the University of Montpellier Faculty of Medicine. It will at first describe the anatomical collections and their history, then expose the problematics about their preservation and their exhibition to a larger public than the medical audience the collections were originally made for.