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Glances into Fugitive Lives
Schriftenreihe des Museums Europäischer Kulturen, Band 19
The starting point of this publication is the presentation daHEIM: Glances into Fugitive Lives realized in Berlin by the Museum Europäischer Kulturen with the artist barbara caveng and the initiative KUNSTASYL in 2016/17. Against the background of the situation of immigrants fleeing to Europe since 2015, it highlights the experiences and dreams of its protagonists from a residential hostel in the Berlin district of Spandau. Biographical examples of people who have migrated within, to and from Europe in the last two centuries are brought into comparison with current fates. This demonstrates that flight is not a new phenomenon, but has always been with us - at various times and in various places. Twelve authors from Europe, North and South America describe individual migration experiences, looking back as far as the 19th century from 2016. Over and beyond this, European migration movements are placed in global contexts, and forms of institutional migration remembrance presented.