How to Cite

Appenzeller, Immo et al. (Eds.): Heidelberger Physiker berichten - Rückblicke auf Forschung in der Physik und Astronomie: Vol. 2: Grundlegende Beiträge zur Physik der Atomkerne und der Sternatmosphären, Heidelberg: heiBOOKS, 2018.


ISBN 978-3-946531-40-1 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-946531-41-8 (Softcover)




Immo Appenzeller (Ed.), Dirk Dubbers (Ed.), Hans-Georg Siebig (Ed.), Albrecht Winnacker (Ed.)

Heidelberger Physiker berichten - Rückblicke auf Forschung in der Physik und Astronomie

Vol. 2: Grundlegende Beiträge zur Physik der Atomkerne und der Sternatmosphären

This second volume continues the series of reports by retired Heidelberg physics and astronomy lecturers about their scientific research and the history of their respective field of expertise. All essays are based on autobiographical talks which - for the current volume - were given during a lecture series which took place from 2006 until 2008. The talks refer to the development of physics during the second half of the 20th century and especially focus on the progress of our understanding of the physics of the atomic nucleus as well as the renaissance of astrophysics at Heidelberg University. Apart from scientific content they offer insights into the particular contexts and paths which led to new findings, while the texts reflect the spirit of the oral report and the authenticity of personal memories.

About the editors:
Immo Appenzeller, Professor emeritus for Astronomy, University of Heidelberg
Dirk Dubbers, Professor emeritus for Physics, University of Heidelberg
Hans-Georg Siebig, Technical servant ret., University of Heidelberg
Albrecht Winnacker, Professor emeritus, of material science, University of Erlangen; Senior Professor and founding director of the "Centre for Advanced Materials" (CAM) of the University of Heidelberg


Table of Contents
Front Matter
Hans Günter Dosch
