Witschel, Christian

Orsolya Heinrich-Tamáska (Ed.), Roland Prien (Ed.)

Castrum Virtuale: Rekonstruktion eines spätantiken Fundorts am Plattensee. Eine Ausstellung in Gedenken an Prof. Géza Alföldy

A fortification extending over 15 hectares was built in the 4th century AD in the Roman province of Pannonia at Keszthely-Fenékpuszta. The archaeological investigations undertaken so far on the western shore of Lake Balaton have revealed its defences and monumental buildings as well as numerous burials. Together they give us insights into the 300-year-long occupation of the site.

The publication accompanying the exhibition contains the results of the German-Hungarian excavation initiated in 2009. The potential for visualising the excavated buildings is given particular emphasis, in the shape of 3D reconstructions, evocations of daily life and models.