Stoppel, Hendrik

Benjamin Held (Ed.), Frederike van Oorschot (Ed.)

Digitalisierung: Neue Technik – neue Ethik: Interdisziplinäre Auseinandersetzung mit den Folgen der digitalen Transformation

FEST Forschung, Volume 1

New Technologies - new Ethics? The volume, produced in interdisciplinary research at FEST, discusses what is "new" in and through digital technologies in different fields of science and society: What is truly new? Do novel objects, tools, forms of perception, means of cognition, questions, actors, and/or forms of communication emerge? Is something "new" recognizable or do existing questions continue in other medial forms?

The contributions are linked to one another by lines of arguments and fields, which - similar to hashtags - weave together individual statements into threads and thus enable mapping the debate around different concepts or phenomena. Throughout the volume, one can follow these threads:

- #predictability #surveillance #control #freedom #democracy

- #media change #perception #hermeneutics

- #anthropology #ethics #theology

This volume contributes to the necessary debate about the ethical shaping of the digital transformation and wants to stimulate further reflection, research, and discussion about new technologies and new ethics in the context of digitalization.

Benjamin Held (Ed.), Thomas Kirchhoff (Ed.), Frederike van Oorschot (Ed.), Philipp Stoellger (Ed.), Ines-Jacqueline Werkner (Ed.)

Corona als Riss: Perspektiven für Kirche, Politik und Ökonomie

FEST kompakt, Volume 1

The corona pandemic has changed our everyday life, politics and economy in a way that was previously unimaginable. What was previously taken for granted no longer applies – cracks have appeared in the continuity of our worldview and way of life. Some of them have a revealing effect, others lead to ruptures or can hardly be held together. In the hope of controlling the pandemic our possibilities have been limited. Alternatives – not infrequently stopgaps – are developing into a new 'normal'. How can we react to the pandemic and the problems and dilemmas it causes? How can we embrace the emerging opportunities? The authors develop perspectives for the time with and after Corona.