Hartmann, Volker

Aegidius Romanus, Volker Hartmann (Ed.)

Über die Fürstenherrschaft (ca. 1277-1279): Nach der Handschrift Rom, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, cod. borgh. 360 und unter Benutzung der Drucke Rom 1556 und Rom 1607

The mirror of princes De regimine principum, by Giles of Rome (d. 1316), was not only the most widely disseminated text of its genre, but also one of the most read of all secular writings of the Late Middle Ages . It was translated into most vernacular languages of Western Christianity. This is the first modern bilingual edition of the text, based on the contemporary manuscript Cod. Borgh. 360 of the Vatican Library, and containing all textual variants of the prints Rome 1556 and 1607, that have been used most often by recent scholarship. A short commentary provides added information about where to find the passages quoted by Giles from his sources.