Rings, Walter

Walter Rings

Die altlothringische Übersetzung der Ezechielhomilien Gregors I. des Großen (Codex Bernensis 79): Edition und Analyse

Towards the end of the 12th century, in the city of Metz, the homilies on the prophet Ezekiel by Pope Gregory 1st were translated into Old French, or more exactly, into Old Lorrainese. This translation represents one of the extremely rare literary texts written in Old Lorrainese. Above all, this edition pursues linguistic aims: its detailed glossary, its chapters on grammar, and its scripta-studies want to make a contribution to the very fragmentary knowledge of Old Lorrainese. Furthermore, the appendices on Ezekiel, on Pope Gregory, and on the allegorical interpretation of the Bible try to show these homilies and their author in their historical context.