Markmiller, Anita

Ulrich Blanché (Ed.)

Stencil Stories: A Stencil History of Street Art / Geschichte des Schablonen-Graffiti

Banksy is one of the most famous artists today. The origins of his preferred technique, stencil graffiti, have so far remained largely unexplored. “Stencil Stories” tells their story. Beginning in 1870, a line is drawn from stencils for use, through propaganda and resistance stencils before 1945, protest stencils from May 1968, Pop Art and Conceptual Art stencils, from punk stencils and pochoirists to street art stencils and Banksy. Featuring Blek Le Rat, John Fekner, David Wojnarowicz, Vhils, Alex Vallauri, C215, Banksy or punk bands like CRASS and The Clash. Students from the university and the PH Heidelberg contributed texts.