Koschik, Harald

Frank Siegmund

Merowingerzeit am Niederrhein: Die fruhmittelalterlichen Funde aus dem Regierungsbezirk Dusseldorf und dem Kreis Heinsberg

The early medieval grave finds from the Lower Rhine area are extensively and comprehensively documented (as of 1988). Based on a new typology, topo-chronological analyses are conducted on all suitable cemetery sites: Krefeld-Gellep, Cologne-Junkersdorf, Cologne-Müngersdorf, Düsseldorf-Stockum, and Duisburg-Walsum. This is followed by a seriation/correspondence analysis of all suitable men's graves (316 graves, 158 types) and women's graves (215 graves, 124 types). The synthesis of both methodological approaches results in a new chronology, which covers the period 400 – 740 AD with 12 phases and is applicable beyond the Lower Rhine as well. Further analyses involve Xanten-St.Viktor and Rill.