GÖDDE, Susanne. Agôn kainos: Suffering and Salvation in the Ancient Greek Novel. In: BARAGLI, Beatrice; DIETZ, Albert; FÖLDI, Zsombor J.; HEINDL, Patrizia; LOHMANN, Polly; SCHLÜTER, Sarah P. (Hrsg.). Distant Worlds and Beyond: Special Issue Dedicated to the Graduate School Distant Worlds (2012‒2021). Distant Worlds Journal Special IssuesHeidelberg: Propylaeum,2021. p. 61–72. DOI: 10.11588/propylaeum.886.c11949. Disponível em: https://books.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/propylaeum/catalog/book/886/chapter/11949.. Acesso em: 18 juli. 2024.