Information for authors and editors

Downloadable Information

If you are a scholar at the University of Heidelberg and would like to publish your monograph, your proceedings or your book series as primary publication (Gold Open Access) or as secondary publication (Green Open Access) on heiBOOKS, please send us the completed book proposal together with a sample chapter (if already available) by e-mail.

PhD dissertations will be accepted for publication if they have been rated “summa cum laude” or “magna cum laude”. In the case of PhDs, please also send us the expert opinions of the supervisors and proof that the imprimatur has been granted.

We would also be happy to arrange an appointment for an information talk!

Our offer for you includes:

  • The publication is in digital form Open Access as PDF and, if desired, as a printed book in a hard or softcover edition, which is available in the book stores and online book trade.
  • In order to ensure maximum visibility of the publications, we assign a separate ISBN to all publications in any publication form (PDF, softcover, hardcover). Book series are equipped with an ISSN, online publications receive a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) in addition to the ISBN. Through the formal and content indexing, we ensure optimal searchability in databases, (scientific) search engines and national as well as international library catalogues (including HEIDI/HeiBIB, K10+, KVK, Google Scholar, Open Library, Worldcat). Books published in printed form are listed in the national and international book trade directories (, amazon, etc.) and can be ordered both from booksellers and online.
  • For research data related to the publication, we offer permanent archiving on the Heidelberger Forschungsdatenrepositorium heiDATA. These can be linked directly with the online publications on heiBOOKS. All research data – be it pictures, tables, graphics, audios, videos etc. – receive a DOI and are therefore permanently quotable and can be linked as independent scientific achievements.
  • The publication of your work at heiBOOKS (PDF) is free of charge for you under the conditions described above. For an additional print-on-demand edition, costs are usually incurred (300 € + VAT per edition or volume in the case of multi-volume works, including a printed complimentary copy. However, you can order the print editions at a reduced price via heiBOOKS. The costs for the deposit copies that we deliver to the national and regional libraries are covered by heiBOOKS.

What you should keep in mind for your publication at heiBOOKS:

  • As a rule, we need a print-ready PDF of the manuscript. We will be happy to advise you and provide you with a Word or Indesign template if necessary. Especially if you want a print edition, you should contact us in advance.
  • If you wish, we can design the cover for your publication on the basis of your suggestions.
  • Please note that heiBOOKS is an Open Access platform. Works published by us are usually under a Creative Commons license (preferably CC-BY or CC-BY-SA). We pursue an author-friendly rights policy: The copyrights in the work remain with you. heiBOOKS receives only a simple right of use. Further information can be found under “Rights and Licenses”.
  • Important: Authors are also responsible for all content that they do not produce themselves. This includes, for example, images, videos, data, audio files or diagrams. Any material that is not the sole creation of the author may only be used with the consent of the respective rights holder or on the basis of legal permissions. Heidelberg University Library accepts no liability for the use of third-party content.
  • If you generate content of your work with the help of artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content, AIGC), you must describe the use of this tool transparently and in detail in a "Methods" section. As the author, you are fully responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the tool and for correctly citing any supporting work (sources) on which this information is based.


For optimal visibility and attribution of your publication, we recommend setting up an "Open Researcher and Contributor ID" (ORCID). This is an internationally valid code, available free of charge, which gives researchers a digital identity. It allows a clear and permanent assignment of author, research institution and publication. Detailed information on ORCID can be found at