How to Cite

Strobl, Marcus et al.: V-FOR-WaTer - a virtual research environment for environmental research, in Heuveline, Vincent and Bisheh, Nina (Eds.): E-Science-Tage 2021: Share Your Research Data, Heidelberg: heiBOOKS, 2022, p. 394–398.

License (Chapter)

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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ISBN 978-3-948083-54-0 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-948083-55-7 (Softcover)




Marcus Strobl, Elnaz Azmi, Sibylle K. Hassler, Mirko Mälicke, Jörg Meyer, Achim Streit, Erwin Zehe

V-FOR-WaTer - a virtual research environment for environmental research

Extent and diversity of environmental data are continuously increasing due to more sensor networks with higher spatial and temporal resolution. To find appropriate data for analyses and especially for large scale models and simulations in this data explosion can take up to several months. The preprocessing of these heterogeneous datasets from different research disciplines to acquire a coherent dataset, can be done with a wide range of algorithms and tools. The outcome is a base dataset that is not reproducible and in consequence, neither are the resulting analyses [3, 9]. The datasets therefore do not obey the FAIR principles [13]. The V-FOR-WaTer web portal [11] aims to improve this situation by collecting data and metadata from a wide variety of sources and by offering preprocessed data.