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Jenseits des Patriarchats
Ansätze feministischer Theologie
"If God is male, then the male is God" – this is how the American feminist theologian Mary Daly put it in 1973. Much has happened since then: Different concepts of feminist theology have rethought the central contexts of Christian theology and have dreamed of a more just world for men and women.
This book presents the central course of development of feminist theologies from their beginnings to the present day. At the same time, it outlines an own approach that explores the chances of a contemporary queer gender-conscious theology.
Media coverage
"Wer auf der Suche ist nach einem kompakten Überblick über die Geschichte der feministischen Theologien, wird hier fündig [...]"
Kathrin Jütte, in: zeitzeichen 6/2022, 63.