Kane, Birane: Using DUNE-FEM for Adaptive Higher Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Two-phase Flow in Porous Media //, in Blatt, Markus et al. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 3rd Dune User Meeting (2015): Archive of Numerical Software - Special Issue 2017, Heidelberg: heiBOOKS, 2017, S. 129–149. https://doi.org/10.11588/heibooks.280.c3283
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ISBN 978-3-946531-60-9 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-946531-61-6 (Softcover)
Using DUNE-FEM for Adaptive Higher Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Two-phase Flow in Porous Media //
Abstract In this document we present higher order Discontinuous Galerkin discretization of a two-phase flow model describing subsurface flow in strongly heterogeneous porous media. The flow in the domain is immiscible and incompressible with no mass transfer between phases. We consider a fully implicit, locally conservative, higher order discretization on adaptively generated meshes. The implementation is based on the open-source PDE software framework Dune.