MÜHLHAUS, Timo; BRILHAUS, Dominik; TSCHÖPE, Marcel; MAUS, Oliver; GRÜNING, Björn; GARTH, Christoph; MARTINS RODRIGUES, Cristina; VON SUCHODOLETZ, Dirk. DataPLANT – Tools and Services to structure the Data Jungle for fundamental plant researchers. In: HEUVELINE, Vincent; BISHEH, Nina (Hrsg.). E-Science-Tage 2021: Share Your Research Data. Heidelberg: heiBOOKS,2022. p. 132–145. DOI: 10.11588/heibooks.979.c13724. Disponível em: https://books.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/heibooks/catalog/book/979/chapter/13724.. Acesso em: 17 juli. 2024.