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Identifier (Buch)
Data Stewards as ambassadors between the NFDI and the community
The NFDI consortium DataPLANT focusing on fundamental plant research, provides data stewards as a core element of its strategy for dissemination of common standards, concepts of research data management, and workflow services. Data stewards play a special hinge role between service providers, individual researchers, groups, and the wider community. They help to bridge the gap between the scientists working in the lab and the technical solutions and services. Project groups and individual researchers will profit from direct support in their daily tasks ranging from data organization to the selection and continuous development of the proper tools, workflows and standards. This leads to a community-wide dissemination and development of data management strategies especially suited to support plant research. In particular, the convergence of researcher and repository requirements is of great importance, and crucial for the success of RDM in general. Additionally, the data steward service concept of DataPLANT is designed for effective capacity building and training to ensure sustainability in the research landscape.