Alkämper, Martin und Langer, Andreas: Using DUNE-ACFEM for Non-smooth Minimization of Bounded Variation Functions, in Blatt, Markus, Flemisch, Bernd und Sander, Oliver (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 3rd Dune User Meeting (2015): Archive of Numerical Software - Special Issue 2017, Heidelberg: heiBOOKS, 2017, S. 3–19. https://doi.org/10.11588/heibooks.280.c3278
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Identifier (Buch)
ISBN 978-3-946531-60-9 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-946531-61-6 (Softcover)
Using DUNE-ACFEM for Non-smooth Minimization of Bounded Variation Functions
Abstract The utility of Dune-ACFem is demonstrated to work well for solving a non-smooth minimization problem over bounded variation functions by implementing a primal-dual algorithm. The implementation is based on the simplification provided by Dune-ACFem. Moreover, the convergence of the discrete minimizer to the continuous one is shown theoretically.