Ludescher, Ladislaus

Ladislaus Ludescher

Vergessene Welten und blinde Flecken: Die mediale Vernachlässigung des Globalen Südens. Quantitative geografische Mediendiskursanalyse über die Berichterstattung der Tagesschau und ausgewählter Leitmedien

"How realistically do media portray the world?" is not only one of the crucial issues of media studies, but also a question that probably every viewer or reader has asked himself at some point. The long-term study Vergessene Welten und blinde Flecken (Forgotten Worlds and Blind Spots) has evaluated, among other things, about 5,100 broadcasts of the German news program Tagesschau from 1996 and from 2007 to 2019 as well as reports from selected leading media (Deutschlandfunk, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Der Spiegel, Brennpunkt, Anne Will, Hart aber Fair, Maischberger, Maybrit Illner, CBS Evening News, The Washington Post, Time, The Guardian and Le Monde). It comes to the conclusion that the countries of the global south (the so-called developing countries or Third World) are massively underrepresented in German reporting.