Gleis, Ralph

Birgit Verwiebe (Ed.)

Die Sammlung der Nationalgalerie zum langen 19. Jahrhundert: Erwerbung, Forschung, Dokumentation, Vermittlung

At the time of its founding, the National Gallery initially owned national and international art from the first half of the 19th century. Subsequently, the collection was expanded to include works from current art movements. On the occasion of the publication of the catalog of 19th-century paintings in 2017, a colloquium was held that focused on central aspects of the history of the Nationalgalerie’s collection. The lectures dealt, among other things, with various parts of the collection, with catalogs and documentation, with acquisition practices, with the plurality of modernity, with popularization and communication strategies. The contributions to this conference are now being made available to science and the interested public in this volume.