Ceremonial ‘Grey Areas’: On the Placing and Decoration of Semi-Public and Semi-Private Spaces in Burgundian-Habsburg Court Residences in the Low Countries (1450–1550), in Hoppe, Stephan, De Jonge, Krista und Breitling, Stefan (Hrsg.): The Interior as an Embodiment of Power: The Image of the Princely Patron and its Spatial Setting (1400-1700), Heidelberg: arthistoricum.net-ART-Books, 2018 (PALATIUM e-Publications, Band 5), S. 31–56. https://doi.org/10.11588/arthistoricum.398.c5017
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Identifier (Buch)
ISBN 9789082825916 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-947449-07-1 (Softcover)