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Apprenticeship as a Medical Preparator at the Walter-Gropius Berufskolleg in Bochum
Pillars of Training, Developments and Outlook
The lecture gave an overview of the training structures of the three-year, full-time, schoolbased education at the Walter-Gropius Berufskolleg in Bochum, Germany. An integral part of the training concerns subjects of preparation techniques, histology, anatomy, physiology, chemistry, pathology, forensic medicine and photography. In the subject of dissection technique, different focal points are set over the three years of education. Gross anatomy takes place on body donations, which were fixed with formol, in the Anatomical Institute of the Ruhr-University Bochum. The sectioning technique is taught in cooperation with the Berufsgenossenschaftliches Universitätsklinikum Bergmannsheil in Bochum. Due to the different professional requirements of medical preparators, appropriate developments in school education have become indispensable in the last five years. These include dealing with collections and imparting knowledge about historical preparation techniques as the corrosion technique and making and restoring wet collections. Also, macerations and making of skeleton specimens are taught in this context. Some cooperation have been initiated and established, for instance with the Association of German Preparators and Taxidermists (VDP). However, further development is necessary to meet the demands of diverse tasks of preparators.