
Thomine-Berrada, Alice: The Anatomical Collections of the École des Beaux-Arts – Its Past and Present as a Philosophical Museum, in Fuchs, Jakob, Herm, Christoph und Mohrmann, Ivo (Hrsg.): Humananatomische Präparate / Human Anatomical Preparations: Geschichte, Herstellungstechniken und Ethik in der Konservierung / History, Manufacturing Techniques and Ethics in Conservation, Heidelberg: arthistoricum.net-ART-Books, 2023, S. 23–34. https://doi.org/10.11588/arthistoricum.1179.c16169

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ISBN 978-3-98501-187-2 (PDF)




Alice Thomine-Berrada

The Anatomical Collections of the École des Beaux-Arts – Its Past and Present as a Philosophical Museum

From 2020 to 2021, the Beaux-Arts de Paris have undertaken an inspection of their anatomical collections in order to control that each piece is still in place in accordance with their inventory. This work which made it possible to date more precisely its main pieces leads to a new critical understanding of this collection which value is mainly based on its historical use by famous artists and the myths wich surrounded them. This anatomical museum is therefore more a philosophical museum than a scientific.